We want every child who walks through our doors to have an opportunity to learn and grow in their understanding of who God is.
Safe and Secure: Safety is vital as families entrust us with their children each week. Therefore, every child is given an identification number to ensure they are always released to those authorized by the parents. Every volunteer who works with our children is screened with an interview and federal background check and hallways are monitored at all times by our Security Team.
Partnering with Parents: Because parents are the primary spiritual teachers in a kid’s life, we partner with you by sending home fun activities each week to reinforce what your child is learning.
First Time at Brookside? When you visit Brookside Baptist Church, signs and greeters will guide you to the children's area. Once there, teachers will help you check-in and welcome you and your family.
Checking In and Out: At check-in, your child will be given an identification number that corresponds to your child. When you return after the service, you will need to show the identification number for your child to be checked out and released back to you.
Volunteer and Help out! If you would like to serve in our children's ministry or would like some more information please contact our Nursery/Preschool Director Chanelle Pergande at
or call the church office at 262.783.6180.
3–5 Year Olds
3-5 year olds meet for Sunday school on the main floor beginning at 9:00 a.m. in Room 3.
Sunday Morning Schedule
Sunday School (9:00 - 10:15 a.m.) for 3-5 year olds in Room 3
Age Group Sunday School (10:15 - 11:15 a.m.)
Age Group
3 year olds — Room 4
4 year olds — Room 5
5 year olds — Room 3
1st–6th Grade
1st-6th Grade meet for Sunday school in the lower level beginning at 9:30 a.m. in Room 14.
As Christians we need to be very careful that we are being shaped by the Word of God and not the world. In our culture children are constantly surrounded with false teaching in the books they read, the movies they watch, and even through the internet. Our goal in the Children’s Ministry at Brookside is to teach children the truth. We want them to know the truth about God and the truth about themselves.
For example, we teach children that there is a God who loves them and to whom they are accountable. We teach them that they are important to God and that there is a reason for living beyond living for ourselves.
Come and see what a difference the truth makes in the life of a child.
Sunday Morning Schedule
Children's Church (9:30-10:15 a.m.)
Sunday school (10:15 - 11:15 a.m.)
Age Group
1st & 2nd Grade — Room 12
3rd & 4th Grade — Room 13
5th & 6th Grade — Room 11